Where to find me....
In person: 2121 Snedecor Hall Mailing address: Department of Statistics Snedecor Hall Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011-1210 Tel: (515) 294-2142 Fax: (515) 294-4040 email: pdixon@iastate.edu http://pdixon.stat.iastate.edu/
Use Google calendar to
find out when I'm available for
Details on my academic life: See my curriculum vitae
Quick index to this web page:
Manuscripts and Preprints
Lunchinators, non-GitHub information
Photos of my life
Topic: | With: |
Analysis of repeated experiments | Ken Moore |
Using telemetry to locate Monarch butterflies | Steve Bradbury, Kelsey Fisher |
Equivalence of measured physical activity | Greg Welk |
Model-based visualization of community data | various |
These are now archived in the Iowa State University Digital Repository. The easiest way to find all my available work is to click here .
Some useful
SAS programs and
R programs are available for
public domain use. These archives include programs, macros, or
functions for estimating Gini coefficients, bootstrapping, analysis
of trends in species composition, analysis of censored data, and
prediction from linear mixed effects models. Other SAS programs for
analysis of experimental data, including variance component
estimation, and simple mixed models are available on class web
Some publicly
available data sets
I am available to help ISU faculty and students with:
design of experiments or observational studies
choice of statistical methods
statistical computing
interpretation of output from statistical computing
I have a broad background in statistical methods and a specific expertise
analyses to demonstrate equivalence
ecological statistics
analysis of species composition
population size estimation
analysis of spatial patterns
environmental statistics
analysis of censored data,
especially below-detection limit values
analysis of environmental
computer-intensive analysis
randomization tests
I even like to get out into the field and see work in progress, when time permits.
To make an appointment, please e-mail me at pdixon@iastate.edu , or call me at 4-2142.