R functions developed by Philip Dixon


Generally, these are research quality programs. The only documentation is the set of inline comments. They have been debugged, but I can not provide any guarantee of correct calculation, application or interpretation.

Please send me an e-mail message if you find a problem.

These are poor examples of programming style. Some were originally written in Splus before objects and classes, so the interface is antiquated.

These functions require helper functions from a package of point process functions. Either the splancs or spatstat package will work, but this code uses splancs function names.

Functions for:

  • Nearest neighbor contingency table analysis (Dixon 1994, Ecology) nntest.r
  • Nearest neighbor contingency table analysis for more than 2 types (Dixon 2002, Ecoscience) mnntest.r
  • Monte-Carlo approach to multitype nearest neighbor contingency tables (Dixon 2002, Ecoscience) mnnsim.r
  • Swamp tree data used in Dixon (2002), 734 tree locations, 5 categories (4 species and other) goodplot1.txt
  • Code for simulation studies in "Diagnostics to assess Toxicokinetic-Toxicodynamic models with interval Censored data" (Xia et al, to appear) TKTD Simulation Code.r
  • Code to fit TKTD models used in "Diagnostics to assess Toxicokinetic-Toxicodynamic models with interval Censored data" (Xia et al, to appear) TKTD Model Estimate.r
  • The Copper and NaPCP data sets used in "Diagnostics to assess Toxicokinetic-Toxicodynamic models with interval Censored data" (Xia et al, to appear)