• Swamp tree data used in Dixon (2002) and other papers, 734 tree locations (630 live trees), 5 categories (4 species and other) goodplot1.txt

    Columns are x,y coordinates, indicator for live (1) or dead (0), and species code
    (FX:Fraxinus spp.,ash, NS:Nyssa sylvatica, black gum, NX: Nyssa aquatica, Water tupelo, OT: Other species, TD: Taxodium distichum, Bald cypress).

  • The Copper and NaPCP data sets used in "Diagnostics to assess Toxicokinetic-Toxicodynamic models with interval Censored data" (Xia et al, to appear)
    The columns are: experiment number (1, 2, or 3), the concentration of toxicant, the start, and the end of the observation interval, the number dying during that interval, the number alive at the start of the interval, and the empirical survival function.