Stat 401 A: Data sets that have been discussed in class or are used in homework
- Week 1:
- Week 2:
- Creativity.txt
- tomato.txt Tomato fertilizer data, used in lab,
Jan 13. Each row is a
data for a single plant. Variables are fertilizer (a: standard, b:
improved), and yield (lbs).
- random.txt Data for HW 2, problem 1. Concentration
of radon in a simple random sample of owner-occupied homes in Ramsey Co., MN.
- mutagen.csv Data for HW 2, problem 2.
Counts of mutants in control (no) and exposed (dose) groups.
- votes.txt Data for HW 2, problem 3 (book ./26),
Votes in Congress. PctPro is the Percent Pro votes for that member.
That's the response variable for the HW problem.
There are lots of variables in the file. You need
to read them all (at least up to PctPro).
You probably won't use most of the variables in the file.
- Week 3:
- traffic.csv Speed limit and traffic fatality data, for HW 3.
- ex0218.csv Full Galapagos finch data set, for HW 3.
- Week 4:
- Week 5:
- bee.csv Bee data for HW 5.
First column is proportion of pollen removed, 2nd column is
duration of visit (in seconds) and 3nd column is type of bee: queen or worker
- alanine.csv' Alanine data set for Lab 5 self assessment.
- Week 6:
- arabidop.csv' Arabidopsis data set for Lab 6 self assessment.
- burn.csv Prairie burn data for HW 5. First column
is the treatment (burn or not), the second column is the watershed identifier,
and the third is the percent of shrub cover in a 10m x 10m plot.
- dioxin.csv Blood dioxin levels. First column is the
potential exposure to Agent Orange (Vietman=exposed, Other=not). Second column is the
dioxin concentration in the blood.
Note: This file is an edited version of case study 3.2 to provide more reasonable numbers for
low dioxin measurements.
- ex0430.csv Sunlight protection factor study. One row is
the pair of observations from one subject. First column is time-to-burn without treatment;
second column is time-to-burn with sunscreen. Both in minutes.
- irrad.csv Meat irridation data, long format: 1st column
indicates treatment; second column the dmds concentration.
- irrad2.csv Meat irridation data, wide format: 1st column
is dmds concentration of an untreated ham package; 2nd column is the dmds concentration of an
irradiated package.
- Week 8:
- case0501.csv Diet and longevity data for lab.
- ex0523.csv Tyrannosaurus data. Oxygen
isotope data on bones from a single T. rex for problem 5:23. Column 1 is the oxygen
isotope value; column 2 is the bone number.
- lettuce.csv Lettuce yield
response to fertilizer. Data are the fertilizer applied to the plot
and the number of heads of lettuce harvested from the plot.
- dietstudy.csvWeight loss after 24 months
on three diets. Column 1 is the subject number, 2 is the treatment, 3 is the weight loss
in kg.
- Week 9:
- meat.txt Meat pH data (case study 6.2),
Used as lecture example.
- peanut.txt Peanut and aflatoxin concentration data. The first column is the
percent clean peanuts. The second is the aflatoxin concentration
- music.txt Music / brain activity data for HW 8
First column is the number of years the subject has played a
string instrument. The second is the neuronal activity index, a
measure of brain activity
- galton.csv Galton's parent child height data for HW 8
- fa2.csv Fatty acid data, raw data for HW 8
- faP.csv Fatty acid data, p-values for HW 8
- Week 10:
- planet.txt Planet data for HW 9.
Problem 7:15/19. Three columns: planet name,
order from sun, and distance from sun.
- diversity.txt
Number of butterfly species found in patches
of Brazilian rain forest for HW 9. Two columns: area of the patch, number of
butterfly species found on it.
- wine.txt
Wine consumption and heart attack mortality data for HW 9
Columns are the name of the country, the wine consumption (liters per
person per year), and the heart disease mortality.
- Week 11:
- Week 13:
- light.txt Meadowfoam data (Case study 9.1) for light and flower
production example. Uses E or L to mark early or late groups.
- bats.csv Bat echolocation data, with indicator variables for HW 12
- ex1028.csv Hurricane data set for HW 12
- lvotes.csv Log transformed votes for HW 12
- Week 14: