Data sets
Data sets that have been discussed in class or are used in homework are:
- Week 1 / HW 1:
- lab1.txt Data collected on campus
for lab 1. The four columns are the difference and ratio of means
collected using randomization of 20 obs into two groups of 10, then
the difference and ratio of means collected using bootstrapping two
collections of 10 obs.
- Creativity experiment data
Each row is a
data for a single subject. Variables are creativity score and a
code for the treatment group (1: extrinsic, 2: intrinsic)
- lab1bigex1.txt Differences and
ratios for 500 randomizations of lab 1 data, for HW 1.
- lab1bigex2.txt Differences and
ratios for 500 bootstrap samples of lab 1 data, for HW 1.
- Week 2 / HW 2:
- Tomato yield data Each row is a
data for a single plant. Variables are treatment group (1 or 2) and
yield (lbs). For lab 1.
- Creativity data set For lab 1.
- Speed Limit data For HW 2.
The columns are the state name, whether it increased (Yes) or kept
the same (no) the speed limit in 1996, and the % change in freeway
traffic fatalities from 1995 to 1996.
- Week 3 / HW 3:
- Week 4 / HW 4:
- Week 5 / HW 5:
- Week 6:
- Week 7 / HW 6:
- Week 8 / HW 7:
- Week 9 / HW 8:
- Week 10 / HW 9:
- Week 12 / HW 10:
- Week 13 / HW 11:
- Week 14 / HW 12: