Stat 505 - Environmental Statistics - Fall 2013
Dr. Philip Dixon
- Last update:
Information: (N.B. some files are pdf files, which require Acrobat Reader)
- Optional: reviews of probability
theory and likelihood estimation.
- Below-detection limit data
- Chapter
13, Methods for Data Below the Reporting Limit, from
Helsel and Hirsch, Statistical Methods in Water Resources.
Book is now out print. Contents available online.
If you want the entire book (or the link to the references), start here.
- Chapter 11, Analyzing Below Detection-limit data, from
Millard, Dixon, and Neerchal, Environmental Statistics with R, before Monday.
- Toxicology
- Grieve, A. 1996. On likelihood and Bayesian methods for
interval estimation of the LD$_{50}$. pp 87-100 In Morgan,
B.J.T. (ed.) Statistics in Toxicology. Oxford UK, Oxford Science
Publications. (Material in 8.1 - 8.4 is relevant to class
discussion; not responsible for 8.5-end)
- Barton, A. L. 1994. Ecological risk assessment in the Office of
Pesticide Programs. pp 27 - 31 in Kendall, R.J. and Lacher,
T.E. 1994. Wildlife Toxicology and Population Modeling. SETAC
press. (This is an overview from an EPA administrator).
History of logit and probit models. Sections 1 and 2 are optional; Sections 3 and 4 are relevant to
applications in toxicology. Note that the discrete choice model (not important for us)
leading to the logistic
distribution got McFadden a Nobel prize!
- Toxicology - optional readings
- Hill, E.F. 1994. Acute and subacute toxicology in evaluation of
pesticide hazard to avian wildlife. pp 207 - 226 In Kendall,
R.J. and Lacher, T.E. 1994. Wildlife Toxicology and Population
Modeling. SETAC Press. (Background on how avian toxicity tests are
conducted and how the LC$_{50}$ values are interpreted. Not
responsible for details).
- James, A.T. 1996. Chester Bliss and the International Biometric
Society. Chapter 2 in Armitage, P. and David, H.A. {\it Advances in
Biometry} New York: Wiley.
- Ritz, C. and Streibig, J.C, 2007. Bioassay Analysis using R. J. Statisticial Software 12(5):1-22
- Knezevic, S.Z., Streibig, J.C. and Ritz, C. 2007. Utilizing R software package for dose-response studies:
the concept and data analysis. Weed Technology 21:840-848.
- Trends
- Chapter
12, Trend Analysis, from
Helsel and Hirsch, Statistical Methods in Water Resources.
Book is now out print. Contents available online.
- Theil, Principles of Econometrics, 1971, pp 250-257. Concise
detailed summary of regression with autocorrelated errors.
- Regulatory statistics
- Dixon, P.M. 2005. A statistical test to show negligible trend.
Ecology 86:1751-1756.
- Chow and Liu, pp 15-27. Overview of equivalence concepts in
drug development.
- Hahn and Meeker, 1991. Chapter 2: Overview of different types of
statistical intervals.
Other things in the Reading Room (2101 Snedecor):
- Helsel, D. 2005. Nondetects and Data Analysis: Statistics for
Censored Environmental Data.
- Hahn and Meeker, 1991. Statistical Intervals. Wiley.
- Computing
- R project Archive for
the R program and packages. Click on your operating system
(e.g. Windows) then click on base. This will download the setup
file. Execute that and R will be installed. Packages can be
downloaded and installed from within R. (See packages on the main
- R
introduction An introduction to using R for computing.
- R for ecologists
- Homework: (N.B. Assignments are in pdf format, which require Acrobat
Reader to read or print
Data sets and programs (Some links not yet active)