Example SAS programs
These are the SAS versions for many of the R programs used in class
- Week 1:
one-way ANOVA oneway.sas
two-way ANOVA twoway.sas
- Week 4:
analysis of an Aitken model aitken.sas
(Note: need to use proc iml. R is much easier.)
- Week 5:
You can do likelihood plots in SAS, but R is much easier.
- Week 6:
Fitting a Bernoulli logistic regression challenger.sas (Includes info
on getting profile lnL intervals)
Fitting a Binomial or Poisson regression trout.sas
- Week 7:
Chi-square and other tests / ci's for proportions prop.sas
- Week 8: Fitting a linear mixed effect model in SAS sdlwtLME.sas
- Week 10: Fitting a split plot model in SAS splitPlot.sas
- Week 11: Inference for a linear mixed effect model in SAS SeedlingInference.sas
- Week 11: BLUPs blup.sas
- Week 11: Fitting random coefficient regression models chute.sas
- Week 11: Fitting repeated measures models repmeas.sas
- Week 11: (optional) SAS macros for comparing multiple covariance models repmeasmodel.sas
- Week 12: Fitting a GLMM or GEE deer.sas
- Week 13: Fitting a nonlinear model rumford.sas
- Week 13: Fitting a nonlinear mixed model theoph.sas
- Week 13: Fitting penalized spline and loess smoothers diabetes.sas