Computing videos.

Code is available on the R programs page or the SAS programs page

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WeekTopic     R video      SAS video     
3 Orthogonal Polynomials R movie SAS movie
4 Aitken model R movie (retaped) SAS movie
5 Maximum likelihood No computing tapes
5 Bernoulli GLM R movie SAS movie
6-7 Proportions No computing tapes
8 Fitting LME models R movie SAS movie
9 Inference for LME models R movie SAS movie
11 Repeated measures models R movie SAS movie
11 SAS macro to compile model fit statistics SAS movie
12 Computing BLUPs R movie SAS movie
12 Fitting GLMM and GEE's (Deer data) R movie SAS movie
13 Nonlinear Least Squares R movie SAS movie